Configuring the Field Extractor for Jira Plugin

Configuring the Field Extractor for Jira Plugin

Getting Familiar with the Configuration Page

You can manage all your pattern mappings in the config page

Access the configuration page of the Field Extractor for Jira plugin via the ‘Configure Field Extractor’ link in the Manage Addons Page.

You would be greeted with a UI as shown below. 


How to Add a new Pattern Mapping ?

Click on 'Add new Rule' button in the Configuration Page to add mappings.


You should get a pop up window as shown below



Provide a Name for your rule. But rule name should be unique.

Select the Project and Issue type combination to which you wish to apply the pattern for.

You may chose 'All Projects' and/or 'All Issue types' as well to select them in bulk.


Now select the Jira events for which the Plugin should listen to. Currently FEJ supports 'Create Issue'/ 'Edit Issue'/ 'Add Comment' and 'Edit Comment' events.

Once you enable a particular event, you should select the source/input field which would be parsed during the Event.

Eg: You may choose to parse the 'Description' field during Issue Creation, and another text area field called 'User Inputs' during issue edit.

Please note for 'Create Comment' and 'Edit Comment' you can only choose 'Comment' as the input field for parsing.


Next select the custom field/entity from the 'Custom Field' dropdown.

This dropdown also supports Jira native features such as Summary, Description, Assignee, Status etc..

You may use the '+' and 'x' icons respectively to add and remove mappings.

Not all the custom field types from your Jira instance might be listed here.

We are extending support for more and more field type in the new releases. In case you want us to extend support for a specific field type, please reach out to us.

Finally click 'Add Pattern Mapping'

How to Edit an existing Pattern Mapping ?

Click on 'Edit' Icon for the Pattern you wish to modify.


You should get a pop up window as shown below



Perform the modifications to the Project/Issue Type/Active Events(create issue , edit issue,….etc)/ Custom Fields and or Patterns.

You may use the '+' and 'x' icons respectively to add and remove mappings.

Finally click 'Update Pattern Mapping' to Save the changes.

How to Clone an existing Pattern Mapping ?

You may clone existing patterns to create new ones in a faster way.

Click on 'Clone ' Icon for the Pattern you wish to modify. 


You should get a pop up window as shown below



Provide a Name for your rule. But rule name should be unique.

Perform the modifications to the Project/Issue Type/Active Events(create issue , edit issue,….etc)/ Custom Fields and or Patterns.

You may use the '+' and 'x' icons respectively to add and remove mappings.

Finally click 'Clone Pattern Mapping' to create a new mapping.

How to Delete a Pattern Mapping ?

Click on 'Delete' Icon for the Pattern you wish to remove. 


You would be prompted with a confirmation message. Click 'Ok' to remove the pattern permanently. 


How to Reset all the Configurations of the Field Extractor for Jira plugin ?

Resetting the plugin configs would remove all the previous Mappings, Configurations and Logs of Field Extractor for Jira.

This will not affect the Plugin License or any existing data in the Jira Projects or Issues etc..

In case you wish to reset the Field Extractor for Jira plugin configurations for a fresh start, you may do so by clicking on 'Reset' button from the top Menu Bar.


You would be prompted with a confirmation message. Click 'Submit' to remove all the previous configurations of the App including Rules and Logs permanently. 


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