Reflect using Mirrors
Mirror Widget Features
Field Custom Mirror also known as Field Mirror Widget can only be visible in create/edit screen after custom field set up.
This page explains about its features and abilities in detail which helps users to reduce time and effort by reflecting and filling create issue ticket data.
Select Rule
Mirror Widget shows user a set of defined mirror rules to select.
Rules are sorted based on selected project and issue type.
Rules sort automatically if a change occur at Project and Issue Type fields.
Issue Key Search
Once after user selects rule, User can search for issue key immediately.
Search can be achieved through issue key and summary as well.
If no issue key found shows an error message
If User sees No Error Message as well as No Suggestion try adding a space at the end to get suggestion.
Reflect Rule
Reflect rule reflects the defined mapping rule once after user selects rule and with issue key.
Reflect rule shows a success message after reflecting successfully.
If any error caused user is notified with error message as an alert message.
On this page:
Mirror Widget Abilities
View Rule
View rule shows defined mapping rule of a mirror as a tooltip, after you select it.
A change in mirror selection change's view rule.