1. Field Mirror For Jira

  • Field Mirror for Jira is a plugin for Jira software teams that need to organize work. FMJ is incredibly flexible and can be customized to work, meaning teams who clone or transfer part of issue data can enjoy increased productivity and visibility as they march toward releasing amazing software.

2. How to Add Mirror Custom Field

  • Click "Edit" to enter the Confluence editor and use the page layouts feature to structure your content using sections and columns.

  • Use headings to format your text and drag and drop images into your page to provide visual interest.

  • Click "Insert" and select "Other Macros" to add macros for navigation, special formatting and other media.

3. Time to Reflect Issue

  • Click "Create" and select "Blank Page" to create your first page.

  • New pages are created as children of the page you are currently viewing.

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Table of Contents
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